Protecting our environment is a big job that is going to take a global effort! Sometimes we fell small at home, but the little things we do each day can make a difference, especially if we all do them! So here are 9 ways to go green for Earth Day, and that means every day! When we make these eco friendly activities habits in our homes, we really can make a big impact!

- Don't use Produce Bags at the Grocery Store - You can buy reusable produce bags, but with a lot of produce, you really don't need a bag at all! If you are going to peel or wash your produce before you eat it anyway, just put it right in your cart. Especially things like bananas, oranges, pineapple, melon, onions, garlic, there is absolutely no reason to bag these items!

- Store Your Reusable Bags in your Car - If you store your reusable shopping bags in your car, not in a closet, you will have them when you need them! How many times have you been in the parking lot of the grocery store when you realize you forgot them! Use them at the grocery store AND at any store, target, home supply, craft store, the mall, everywhere!

- Always Bring Your Water Bottle or Coffee Mug - If you get in the habit of packing it with you, you won't need to buy a plastic bottle or throw away cup when you are out. Don't forget the kids! Saves money too!

- Use Cloth Rags and Cloth Napkins instead of Paper Towel and Paper Napkins - I keep a basket of rags handy above my stove, they are actually old baby wash cloths, but any rags will do. I use them any time I need a paper towel and then just throw them in the wash. One roll of paper towel can be kept high in the cupboard for emergency use! I also keep what I call "throw away rags," like a sock with a hole in it, for dirty jobs and then just throw it away. We keep a basket of cloth napkins by the dining room table and wash them over and over.

- Kids Stuff and Clothing - Buy Used, Share and Trade - My friends and I do this all the time. Someone gives it to you, you pass it on to someone else. Check out garage sales, library book sales, save special things you find to use as Christmas or birthday gifts. We've organized large "stuff swaps" where we all meet at a park and bring things we no longer need. No money is exchanged, just bring what you don't want and take what you can use! Social media has made this so easy to organize! I have very rarely bought my children a brand new clothing item!

- Don't Take the Trash Out on Trash Day - Take it out when it's full! If you take your trash out once a week on garbage day you will use 52 plastic trash bags per year. Maybe you could go 10 days or more to fill it up, that's only 36 bags per year. That is saving 16 trash bags per yer, and if every family in the country or across the world did this, that is a lot less plastic!

- Junk Mail, Call and Get Removed from the List - It feels like we get so much junk mail from the same few companies! Every piece of junk mail has a phone number on it, call them and say "Can you please remove me from your mailing list?" This will take a little time, but eventually you will waste a lot less time (and paper), sorting through junk mail.

- Get Outside! Plant a Garden, Compost, Walk or Bike Instead of Drive, Hang a Bird Feeder, Hang Clothes on the Line, etc. - Have fun doing the little things in your yard or in your community to make the world a better place.

- Pass it on, teach your kids about being earth friendly, tell friends what you do, share it!
Ann Rice says
Meryl I know you do all these things and you have taught me to do (most of them) too. You encourage your friends to follow your example and your kids are being trained right. I am proud of you!
Meryl Downing says
You're the best Mom! You've been washing out your ziploc bags and reusing them since the 80's!